4-30-01 - advancing the science of science
4-30-01 - parts of me
4-30-01 - call
4-29-01 - moments with you
4-28-01 - never quite alone
4-28-01 - i close my eyes and you are near
4-27-01 - nothing to title this
4-27-01 - peace
4-26-01 - i need sleep. she needs sleep. she.
4-26-01 - look whos crying now
4-25-01 - everytime i see your smiling face i have to smile myself because i love you
4-25-01 - wheres a sebestian when you need him
4-24-01 - do the hamster do do do do do do do the hamster
4-23-01 - i want to put my dog in a fat suit
4-23-01 - cowboys and tails
4-22-01 - i was far from being made of gold
4-21-01 - my youre looking beautiful
4-21-01 - ive seen fire and ive ran, ran like a little kitty
4-20-01 - and that she loves you
4-20-01 - by now you see
4-19-01 - one more day
4-19-01 - sleep well crayon, sleep well
4-17-01 - santa baby a 54 convertible, light blue
4-17-01 - happiness comes to those who eat
4-17-01 - tell my eyes to watch out for my mind, it might be walking out on me today
4-16-01 - ive lost my fingernail clippers
4-16-01 - ride just enjoy the ride
4-15-01 - when i get that mood indigo
4-15-01 - where the chilly winds they dont blow
4-14-01 - crossing over
4-13-01 - in all and all.
4-13-01 - say im doing you wrong doing you wrong
4-11-01 - in the library
4-11-01 - feel the apathy currently emitting
4-11-01 - hunt
4-10-01 - design this
4-10-01 - things are alright.
4-9-01 - they say, but then again, theyre always talking
4-9-01 - shameless no longer
4-8-01 - ha, WOO!
4-8-01 - colons galore
4-7-01 - they kept all the time in there
4-7-01 - good mood for a good reason
4-6-01 - i love the south
4-6-01 - thanks
4-5-01 - shgfhsth
4-5-01 - cant you see
2001-04-04 - axis
4-3-01 - alcohol overdose at 34
4-3-01 - the more its... it.
4-2-01 - both sides
4-1-01 - please send all angry emails to: [email protected]

12.05 11.05 10.05 9.05 8.05 7.05 6.05 5.05 4.05 3.05 2.05 1.05
12.04, 11.04, 10.04, 9.04, 8.04, 7.04, 6.04, 5.04, 4.04, 3.04, 2.04, 1.04
12.03, 11.03, 10.03, 9.03, 8.03, 7.03, 6.03, 5.03, 4.03, 3.03, 2.03, 1.03
12.02, 11.02, 10.02, 9.02, 8.02, 7.02, 6.02, 5.02, 4.02, 3.02, 2.02, 1.02
12.01, 11.01, 10.01, 9.01, 8.01, 7.01, 6.01, 5.01, 4.01, 3.01, 2.01, 1.01
12.00, 11.00, 10.00, 9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00