4-7-01 - 8 13 pm

i currently smell like mowed grass.

i like this smell.

i mowed the parents back yard today.

i love mowing.

its one of the few chores i actually look forward to, and would volunteer to do.

i mowed their backyard. around the pear tree, getting hit by branches snaping back, around the old falling down playhouse, around the brick patio, the basketball goal.

over most of the branches.

i got a few backfiring branch shrapnel coming my way. my arms bear the results of lawn mower fired stick pieces.

i sweated and caught the grass smell.

i caught the grass smell.

this is enough to carry me into real spring, real summer.

k13 is her favorite song if you play it you might have a chance tonight shes only sipping white wine shes friendly and fun loving most of the time but dont ask her on a straight tequila night shell start thinking about him and shes ready to fight blames every man in sight on a straight tequila night.

i know ive said this before, but yeah:

i think im over the girl in the i just want her in my life as a best friend kind of way.

and i feel actually secure in saying that, where as in the past i said it in hopes that i would grow to believe it.

but now... that part of me that wanted more isnt as fiery as it was, it's calm, at ease, and more...

i feel more like water now.

which is the way i want to feel.

if that makes sense.

change of subject:

i took my sister to the video store earlier, we were goofing off, she sort of started walking me into the shelves, so i overacted, let my knee get caught on the edge of it, stumbled around the corner, made a huge racket, hit the videos, stumbled, then stood back up.

turned around.

there was this couple just stopped at the end of the aisle, watching me. the woman was trying not to laugh at me, because she honestly thought i had been a clumsy fool, so i grinned and said excuse me, walked on past them, turned another corner.

my sister was behind me just laughing away.

god damn i smell like grass.

im in a good mood yo.

a hungry but good mood.

food food food.

time to go scrounge up food.

yall smile for me.

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