4-30-01 - 11 49 pm

please be careful with me.

i'm sensitive, you know.

and i'd like to stay that way.

yo yo yo check this right i saw her and i was all heeeeyyyyyy baby. you wanna hook up with some of the cray-on?

then i was shot.

i realized, tonight, that she isnt the one for me because she made me wait thirty minutes while she talked to her boyfriend on the phone.

i also realized i am a punk for waiting thirty minutes on her.

i realized, also, that i am more of a spiderman than a batman.

please, argue or discuss or agree. feedback.

however, while i waited, i started on a story.

i'm kind of excited about this, because i haven't really written a story since sometime last year. and this one, i can feel it, i can see the story.

maybe tomorrow i will fly my kite.

at the least, thursday. as long as it is not raining.

i really have nothing to say, i just wanted to get the whole waiting stuff out of me.

and it's now out.

now i must write a report that is due tomorrow morning, which i must also present, which i have known about since... january, maybe, yet have only just started working on.

because i kick ass.

and i need to go to the dentist.

but that's neither here nor there.

yall have a good night for me.

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