4-23-01 - 11 51 pm

i just got an obscene call.

i screen my calls, sometmes, when i am being lazy, and i was being lazy, and i got an obscene call.

that left a message.

i think it is the first obscene call i have received here.

once again jennifer managed to stun me.

i was waiting for her, all relaxed and laid out, and the door opens to the waiting area. out she walked, in this purple sort of casual dressy dress.

im no good with fashion terms.

she lifted her arms up to show me, and all i could say was wow.

tomorrow. tomorrow i partake in a reading on a college campus. i get eight minutes. eight. minutes.

i've never had that long, before. that i remember.

i sort of blank out as i read.

i dont know what i am going to read.

i want to find someone to sing for me, and if i can get that, man, i can rock the hiz-ouse.

because i will play my tiny guitar.

i need to find someone to sing for me.

who doesnt mind being embarrassed.

a month and three days until my birthday. let the countdown begin!


when i get money i want to go back to my high school and start a scholarship.

i found out sunday my sister had a scout come to a game to watch her.

she is a sophomore in high school, yo.

in the old spaghetti factory company i forget the real name they have no ketchup. at all. i find this a travesty and odd.

but i'm the only one who does, i believe.

the point of all this:

i got an obscene call.


now back to take a nap.

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