4-17-01 - 9 21 am

as i have ten minutes to kill where i could be doing something of productivity, i will instead write here.

they came in again last night. one sober and pissed off, the other drunk and rambly.

they slept, and are probably still sleeping.

my face feels baby soft.

last night, after they fell asleep, after i fell asleep, i woke back up.

the wind was blowing, hard.

but now i cant remember if it really was, or if i was dreaming, while awake, the way it went through the tree and hit the window.

or if i dreamed the way it found a crack in the window and made a high pitched whine as it blowed in.

i'm not for sure.

i went back to sleep.

tonight i am supposed to go an hour and a half away for a perfomance. there are so many more other things i could be, and should be, doing.

but nope, i'll be riding in a van.

maybe falling asleep.

i ate two frosted cinnamon pop tarts this morning. because i am healthy.

i've never been arrested.

or ticketed.

though i have come close.

it has, all of a sudden, reverted back to coldness, and i didn't bring a jacket with me.

i am wearing a jaunty little number today, however, so it is, as the saying goes, all good g.

i am sleepy and slightly hungry and grumpy.


for no real reason, im just grumpy.

grr grr grr.


im leaving now.

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