4-17-01 - 12 27 am

i am currently watching the kids in the hall while trying to learn the words to achey breaky heart by the great billy ray cyrus.

all i know, off the top of my head is:

you can tell my lips to tell my fingertips they won't be reaching out for you no more.

but dont tell my heart, my achey breaky heart, i just don't think he'd understand. if you tell my heart, my achey breaky heart, he might blow up and kill this man awwooooo-ooo.

to think, this is what i have to offer the future mrs. crayon.

kids in the hall and billy ray cyrus.


what else.

i asked her if i could equate her to it, she said yes, with all of her being, yes, and i told her she surpassed it.

vague vague vague.

i looked at my hand, tonight, as i was playing chicken foot with the friends (i won every time, because i kick chicken foot ass), and the mark from the iv from august stood out.

i wanted to ask jennifer if she saw it, but i did not, because i dont know if i am ready to explain the story behind it to everyone.

and it's not a big story.

month long sickness i finally admitted to, wound up in the er, iv, xrays, urine tests, blood samples, disease named.

comes and goes, yes, havent felt it in a long time, so i'm over it, yes.

yes yes yes.

i was laying across her bed tonight, playing on my tiny guitar, seranading the room, off in my own little world.

i said "i can play with my teeth too."

and i played the tiny guitar with my teeth.

the room stopped.

i went back to playing it, left handed.

jennifer cracked up, marion looked at me, said i was "really special."

jennifer said i was "funny."

its about good god time that the crocodile dundee series became a triology, am i right or am i right can i get an amen?


thank you!

i am a rock superstar.

i am a rock.

rock. rock steady.

and beebop.

I USED TO have the tape the ninja turtles put out via pizza hut.

i listened to it a lot, too.

im killing time in hopes she will talk to me.

i swam across i jumped across for you. oh what a thing to do.

i will now drink something.

nonalcoholic that is.

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