4-17-01 - 10 44 pm

i wrote a poem. and it proves i am a dork. math. heh.


is the sum
of the length of the sides.
how many steps
it takes
to make
a complete journey.

you walk in circuits
most of your life.
sidestepping or dancing
around the truth,
from the moment you are born.
"school is going okay."
"work is going okay."
"i am okay."

there are a lot of things
i could say to you.
i am still in love with you,
for example.
but i repeat myself,
and come back
to where we were.

there are some perimeters
we are only to walk around:
the edges of swimming pools
or hospital cots.
i want to run
and not back to where i was.

so yeah, there it is.

i dont know how i feel about the ending.

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