6-30-01 - dont let your self go
6-30-01 - falling
6-30-01 - heh.
6-29-01 - endure the eighth wonder of the world
6-29-01 - there will always be
6-28-01 - 13 year old
6-27-01 - im lazy
6-26-01 - right
2001-06-26 - get that? ULCER. on my EYE!
6-26-01 - night.
6-25-01 - havent been outside at night
2001-06-25 - i got to be good so i can see my baby
6-24-01 - which embrace
6-23-01 - play rewind for me
2001-06-23 - not so
6-23-01 - recession
6-22-01 - the moment is fleeting
6-21-01 - my name is not joe.
6-20-01 - ive been sad and ive been here
6-20-01 - for a moment the world stops
6-19-01 - a mountain so high
6-19-01 - amuse me they do
6-18-01 - best never yet taken upon
6-18-01 - all this and some crackers
6-16-01 - isnt dying here inside
6-15-01 - sometimes listen
6-15-01 - falling through the tips
6-14-01 - all good children
2001-06-14 - i am bootylicious
6-14-01 - expensive bed toy. im talking about grover.
6-12-01 - wild night is calling
6-12-01 - sugar is sweet but i like trees im a tree hugger tree hugger thats for sure!
6-11-01 - moment
6-10-01 - i am the man who will fight for your honor
6-10-01 - im sorry for not sending you to sleep
6-9-01 - wonder this
6-8-01 - take bayer. CARE! i meant take care!
6-7-01 - have a wonderful whatever
6-7-01 - come hell or burger king
6-6-01 - nobody else but yooooouu
6-6-01 - icing icing every where and not a drop to drink
6-5-01 - i broke my laptop
6-3-01 - instant name change
6-3-01 - see me, im about this tall
6-3-01 - franklin
6-2-01 - for the last time
6-1-01 - through me i cant stop

12.05 11.05 10.05 9.05 8.05 7.05 6.05 5.05 4.05 3.05 2.05 1.05
12.04, 11.04, 10.04, 9.04, 8.04, 7.04, 6.04, 5.04, 4.04, 3.04, 2.04, 1.04
12.03, 11.03, 10.03, 9.03, 8.03, 7.03, 6.03, 5.03, 4.03, 3.03, 2.03, 1.03
12.02, 11.02, 10.02, 9.02, 8.02, 7.02, 6.02, 5.02, 4.02, 3.02, 2.02, 1.02
12.01, 11.01, 10.01, 9.01, 8.01, 7.01, 6.01, 5.01, 4.01, 3.01, 2.01, 1.01
12.00, 11.00, 10.00, 9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00