4-3-01 - 9 11 pm

ma cherie amore, distant as the milky way. ma cherie amore, pretty little one that i adore, youre the only girl that my heart beats for.

sing it stevie, sing it.

i got out of the shower (yes, go ahead, picture me naked. ive given up trying to stop yall.) and picked my clothing up, took my watch down from the towel rack, where i had placed it so, during my shower, it would not get wet.

the watch dropped from my oh so capable hands (if you know what i mean, and i think you do, cause you have a dirty dirty mind)and the back of it popped clean off.

this watch is old, but perhaps the best watch i've ever had.

its very beat up, it works half the time, the innerness to the wrist bands is coming out and i love it.

but i cant get the back back on it.

so im going to, eventually, take it to someone and see if it can be popped back on.

i need to hang up my clothes.

oh, no, what i really need is for yall to entertain me.

entertain me dammit!

alright, no, yall dont have to entertain me.

i have sock puppets.

they entertain me just fine.

so take that!


i actually dont have any sock puppets.

im a sad lonely watchless liar.

take pity on the crayon.

i'm gonna go now.

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