4-10-01 - 4 23 pm

in the light of day things are sometimes clearer.

sometimes, yo.

i still don't like my heart that much right now.

and i want to put blame somewhere, but there's nowhere to hang the blame.

could i possibly get any vague-er?

why, yes, yes i could.

work closed for two hours today, for a memorial for a man who worked there that i did not know.

i dont think im going back to work today.

so take THAT you big fat fatty mcfat heads!

my sister and her softball team are playing a big rival today, i really really wanted to be there because they actually have a damn good shot of beating them.

which they never have. yet.

blah blah blah, killing time before dinner.

im confused as to how i feel, see, and thats part of the deal.

no, no nononono. no!

fatty mcfathead, i know how i feel, its just that now different things are popping up and i wonder...

i mean, part of me is saying that i wasnt good enough, or there was some part of me that just wasnt right.

and that's so damn far from the truth, i know. i know know know.

just so yall know, i feel like a little kid, i want to get up and jump around and growl.

but in a good way.


in a good way!

that just surprised me.

and its something to think about.

im going to go check on dinner.

i cant believe i said fatty mcfathead.


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