8-30-02 - everyone always said momma liked puddin
8-28-03 - walkoutaplay
8-27-03 - too much on the mind of a little one
8-25-03 - black it all out
8-23-03 - wonderland
8-23-03 - again
8-23-03 - all i am to you you do not need
8-20-03 - day two
8-20-03 - day one of operation arizona
8-18-03 - and grow
8-16-03 - logs
8-12-03 - imitator
8-11-03 - where it goes
8-10-03 - truth realized
8-7-03 - fin
8-5-03 - by car
8-3-03 - bamber
8-02-03 - help

12.05 11.05 10.05 9.05 8.05 7.05 6.05 5.05 4.05 3.05 2.05 1.05
12.04, 11.04, 10.04, 9.04, 8.04, 7.04, 6.04, 5.04, 4.04, 3.04, 2.04, 1.04
12.03, 11.03, 10.03, 9.03, 8.03, 7.03, 6.03, 5.03, 4.03, 3.03, 2.03, 1.03
12.02, 11.02, 10.02, 9.02, 8.02, 7.02, 6.02, 5.02, 4.02, 3.02, 2.02, 1.02
12.01, 11.01, 10.01, 9.01, 8.01, 7.01, 6.01, 5.01, 4.01, 3.01, 2.01, 1.01
12.00, 11.00, 10.00, 9.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00