4-5-01 - 12 40 am

just to see you smile.

my boss was having a bad day today, so when i was out running errands for the job, i stopped and got her some cookies she likes.

i am a kick ass employee.

or a good friend.

you take your pick.


knock knock.

whos there?


oh, no, im sorry, we've already got enough here, cant you tell?

OHH HOHOHO ha. i am just wicked funny tonight.

i should turn my alarm clock on.

its thursday. which means its almost friday. which means its almost crazy fun happy bean day!

dammit i just made that up. im sorry.

if you dream of me like i dream of you in a place thats warm and dark.

crazy happy fun bean day.

when i become president i will make that a holiday.

oh oh oh oh, DREAMS!


i had one, last night, where i was in my version of canterbury tales. cept they took place in a lesbian bar in the midst of a brawl.

i had another one where i was looking for a book to read, any book, but the lady kept handing me toy animals. and then kat came by and i tried to hide from her.

i had a third one in the midst of this beautiful college campus that seemed to be like my high school cept nothing like my high school, but i walked to the left and there was this raised pond and long stretch of green green grass.

the other week i walked outside of the building which i live and smelled cut grass.

beautiful smell that is. had me wishing for the feel of a mower in my palms. i love mowing.

and made me realize how close spring is.

i noticed flowers today, and the feel of the warm air on my skin. clouds in the sky blocking the stars but not the moon.

i could have fallen asleep outside tonight.

instead i laid there with some people who are fast becoming good friends and laughed.

i love my life at those moments.

im not really writing anything now, so im going to stop and maybe go to sleep soon.

yall smile for me.

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