4-16-01 - 1 28 am

i just spent almost an hour in walmart.

when i was in walmart i almost killed myself by ridig a bike down the aisle.

the bike sort of got away from me and i careened to the side and only my smooth life saving skills stopped me from hitting something, flipping over like an suv, and knocking my head open on a corner thank you come again.

no one saw me, so i saved face.

i did this going up and down the aisle.

i am such a horrible bike rider you would not want to sponsor me for a bike riding event unless of course you wanted me to die and then I WOULD TAKE YOUR MONEY AND RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND!

but not ride an escape bike because then i would die, and you could get your money back, and charity would not benefit.

you smell.

uh, i lost my track of train of thought.

but, rest assured, you only smell if you want me dead.

if you don't want me dead, you smell, but you smell so so sweet that i cry tears of happy happiness when i smell you.

come closer baby, so i can sniff you. mmmm.



i wont talk to the girl tonight.

wish i would.

but i wont.

in walmart i bought an 8 piece music kit for little kids. mainly because it has a harmonica and a guitar.


i should have expected that, right? because it was only two dollars, right?

yeah well, they kept making fun of me, saying "there goes your music career."

and i weeped silently on the way back.

theres nothing as sad as a crying clown.

unless of course its a pantsless crying clown.

no, wait, that might be funny.


i bought jennifer a hula hoop. actually it was called a fruit hoop.

she shall have hours of fun with it, i am sure.

i am going to maybe go to sleep now.

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