2006-01-24 - 11:30 p.m.

I started back up at work today, and sweet pumpkin pie above, it might just bore me to death.
They're stupidly short staffed, and so I've been put into a position that I've done before, but only for a few hours at a time, to just kind of help out. But now, man, now okay they want me working there all day, for some vague amount of time.
I walked in today and walked back to the one person I kind of knew in the store and she was introducing me to someone, and said that I would be working in that area "for a couple of weeks."
And I couldn't help myself, I said "a couple of weeks?!?!?!" with all the exclamation marks very apparent in my tone of voice.
And she laughed and said "yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know what they want to do with you."
Then I forgave her. Because she was cute.
But oh sweet... after about the 5th hour I was going to staple my hand into my thigh. I was bored and restless.
Hopefully maybe I can talk them into getting me out of that as quickly as possible. It's been forever since I've been confined to a work space of six feet.
Buuuutttttt that's all too depressing, so on to a better topic of conversation:
how cute I am.
No, really.
I'm pretty damn cute.
Also, I am incredibly impatient and there are some good things that I can kind of see happening maybe a few months down the road, and that's a kind of torture.
But at the same time I know that every day that I actually stop and live, I'm doing pretty damn well. I've got it good, and good, kind of amazing things are happening all around me, if I just keep focused on that, when months come up and go by, I'll look up and see everything where I want it to be. Or, no, wait, where it needs to be.
I may not have the "faith" you think I should have, but I do have faith of my own kind. I have faith that if I keep moving forward and don't give up and don't forget that I'll come out good in the end.
I've got faith that if I take a deep breath and suck it up and maybe jump off a few cliffs I'll get to a better place.
It's already kind of happening.
Know what I'll be doing next month? Working with dogs.
Put that in your pipe and sit on it.

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