8-20-04 - 7:45 p.m.

so, as i stated before, i work for my friend.

she does piercings. which means, in turn, i now do piercings, too.

i should've known, before anything happened at work today, that it was going to be a bad day.

i started to open up and the toilet got clogged.

before i unlocked the doors i had to unclog the toilet, mop the water up, such.

except, you see, the mop was a stupid mop and thought it was a broom, so it just pushed the water around.

i had to use paper towels to soak it all up.

what does this have to do with piercing?

well, see, that should've clued me in the day would suck.

about three hours later a mom comes in with her three month old baby.

she wants her baby's ears pierced.


please, parents, tell me why you do this.

it seems that if you're going to add something to another human being, alter their person in any kind of way, you'd let them decide, for themselves.

unless, of course, it's medically needed. and who knows, maybe this baby needed 14 kt in her ears to keep her ears from being so light that her head just tipped backward and clunked on the floor.

i dont know, who's to say.

so i pierced her ears (because it's my stupid job and i sold a piece of my soul away to the devil with each hole in this THREE MONTH OLD babys ear).

and she cried. and cried. and cried.

so the one plus to today is that amy's driving up to be with me.

that should be nice.

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