7-26-04 - 2:16 p.m.

i am really hungry, so i am thinking i will order a pizza.

speaking of pizza, and delivering, i must rant about something.

you people with your houses, please realize something:

your street, people drive on it both ways.

it's great you're actually putting your number on the mail box, but it doesn't do anyone any good if the number is, you know, on the other side of the mail box.

for you people with houses with mail boxes without clearly marked numbers:

what the hell are you thinking? not only when it comes to the food delivery people, but say, heaven forbid, say there was an accident/emergency/embarassing mishap involving peanut butter and coke bottles (it happens to the best of us) and the ambulance/fire department had to come.

how are they supposed to quickly find your house? really.

by ruling out what houses aren't yours?

let's return to the pizza/chinese/whatever delivery person.

it's night.

you haven't managed to clearly mark on your mail box whatever your number is. that's fine, you'll do it tomorrow, the deliverer understands.

to help the kid out, turn your damn porch light on.

it's easier to find a house if it looks like the people are expecting you.

if the bulbs out, that's cool. what's not cool is when the kid comes up to your porch, and then you turn the damn light on.

it's almost, well, kind of rude.

what else can i bitch about?

oh, yeah, have your money ready.

these kids get paid by the amount of houses they go to. it cuts down on their relay time if, once they approach the door, you have to go find your check book and then write out a check.

you know these people are coming. it's not a crazy surprise. it's not someone randomly bringing you pizza and making you pay, right then, on penalty of some kind of bad punishment.

man, i didnt realize i had this rant in me. but i suppose i do.

just looking out for the little guys.

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