7-23-04 - 4:59 p.m.

i had a dream last night where i was driving out in the country. i had to get gas, so i pulled over at this gas station.

there were three pumps there, all of them old, and only one working. i had trouble figuring out which one really worked.

while i went and paid my sister sat in the car. i came back, and i was missing a tire. she was still sitting there. i asked her where my tire went and she had no idea.


i got crazy mad at my sister for completely missing the stealing of my tire WHILE SHE WAS IN MY CAR.

in my dream.

i saw my extended family this past week. talked to my little cousins, they're 10, 7 and 6.

they make me want a family.

i usually see myself with a daughter, but talking to the two youngest, jordan and jamie, they made me really want sons.

especially jordan. he's got this whole different way of seeing things, even at the ripe old age of 6.

he told me about swallowing a quarter. he had to get the "bubble gum air."

so we were talking about swallowing things (i've got my on history of swallowing metal objects) and i asked him how he swallowed the quarter.

"it was an accident."

"an accident?"

"yeah, it was my field trip money, too."

and that just made me laugh. a lot. but he ignored me.

"so you just put it in your mouth and swallowed?"

"it was an accident."

he gets really mad when you ask him if he has any girlfriends. the rumor mill says he has two, but he completely refuses all knowledge of these so called "girls" who might be his "friends."

i need to eat.

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