7-22-04 - 1:56 p.m.

it'll be a month come saturday.

her stepdads birthday is today, so yesterday we went out, bought him some gifts, tonight we're all going out to dinner.

it's kind of weird, being involved with a girl whose family, you know, really seems to like me and is not threatening prosecution.

at least not yet! ha ha ha!

so this is how bad i've got it:

i folded her clothes.

not just any clothes, but these two huge piles of clothing she had brought home from college, it took me a couple of hours (because i'd get distracted and watch television. i think it was trading spaces. no, i mean i think it was... uh... a boxing match. yes.) and she was all surprised when she came home and then she made out with me and made me pancakes from scratch and rubbed my back.

okay, some of that's a lie. mainly after the she was surprised part.

i'm about to rearrange her... uh, i don't know what this room is called. but i'm about to move crap around and clean, it's kind of ridiculous, this could be such a cool room and instead there's games and tapes and everything here and there all willy nilly.

oh, also, i have offered to garden her grandma's yard. she needs some bushes dug up and weeds taken care of.

last night she was studying for a test. she had this dark red shirt on and her hair pulled back and her contacts out.

i was reading a book she had handed me and i glanced over at her and it's just insane how beautiful she is.

not only does she have a great smile, her whole face, i don't know, it's just... it captures your attention and holds it, especially when she's thinking of something that makes her happy.

i woke up this morning, after having a weird bad dream that involved robots and preppy girls and casinos and then robots going crazy and trying to kill me, and she should've been back from class.

an hour passed and she still wasn't back, so i called her, just to make sure, you know, she wasn't in a ditch somewhere.

i said, "just seeing if you were okay."

and she said, "are you worried?"

and i said, "maybe, a little bit."

and she said, "aw, you're making me feel special."

and i said, "well. you are."

and she said she was blushing.

which made me laugh.

i need to shower. and clean. and shave. and wear something decent for a birthday dinner.

you crazy kids keep it real.

keep it real indeed.

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