6-20-04 - 3:24 a.m.

i came to my parents house tonight, to take care of some business.

my sister eventually came home, so we went out together to get something to eat.

as we were driving around, i asked her what i should wear if i was, you know, going to go out with someone.

and the first thing she said?

"awwwwww, do you have a date?"

which made me laugh. and then she continued to make fun of me, eventually winding up with asking me about this girl i'm dating.

and i told her i wasn't dating her.

"right. how'd you meet her? did you follow her home?"

which led to us talking about the different ways i'v met women. i shall list them now:

a) she was my waitress, we hung out after dinner, i eventually found myself at her place. with her boyfriend playing guitar.

b) she was at a reading i was at. i walked her home because it was late and she was by herself. she called her boyfriend once she got in.

you get the picture.

eventually my sister answered my original question, she told me i should wear this light blue shirt i've got, button downed, with my sleeves rolled up.

she said it looked good on me.

and i have decided to make a big fashion statement and go PANTSLESS!

okay, no, i won't.

she might get all jealous of the women falling all over themselves because of my incredibly well sculpted calves.

and, really, the first date should be about her, not me.

the second date, now that's all me, and boy howdy, all the pants will "magically" be in the "wash."

here's hoping she can throw a mean punch.

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