3-31-04 - 4 20 pm

so i believe, i guess, that for every bad, there's a good.

my day started off kind of bad.

my car broke down on the way to a semi-important event.

well, no, it didn't break down. it just wouldn't go over 20 miles an hour. and me being the reckless speed demon destined to die in a firey blaze of glory with blood and limbs akimbo was insanely frustrated with the 20 miles an hour nonsense.

i got my car towed, they're supposed to look at it sometime today.

my dad is letting me borrow his car until things get worked out or until we decide if i should just get a rent-a-car.

i'm debating looking into the purchase of a new one. it all depends on what i do within the next year.

where i'm living and what not.

and then, ah, then there was some good news.

i was driving back to my apartment and i got a phone call.

first i thought it was the mechanic.


there's an awards ceremony going on for a journal i'm being published in. the college it's through called me and asked if i would come up and read two or three pieces.

and, yeah, i know other people will be there, i had a friend who did it last year, i'm not incredibly special or anything.

it just kind of, i don't know, reaffrimed the track i'm on.


so im trying to keep things balanced. i figure as long as there's a good for the bad, the bad won't kill me.

it might make it so i wont eat for a month, but it won't kill me.

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