3-18-04 - 1 16 pm

man. i just ate a lot.

but before that, i played with my roommates cat.

for a moment there, i was all tempted to a memento style entry, but eh, im lazy.

so i played with the cat. and she is such a beautiful cat and im all kinds of crazy about her BUT my roommate is moving.

and taking her cat.

so i'm spending as much time as possible with the cat. except for right now. we're both in separate rooms, ignoring each other, as if we are made awkward by a shared secret.

oh, so i was playing. yes.

and she was laying on the ground and being all halfassed about playing with me, but i got her to roll over a bunch of times and then just lay on her back with her belly all exposed for my quick jabs.

suffice to say, i am really scratched up right now.

i ate a lot.

i've been eating a lot since i've been back onto the meat thing. i just went to mcdonalds and had a big mac and a chicken sandwich and fries.

i should start working out so i could turn this food into muscle.

and then all the ladies will want me EVEN MORE.

oh, ladies, okay, i stopped at my old work to pick up my last pay check and then went to get gas. at the gas station i was walking into the building to prepay with cash and a car pulled behind me and i heard someone say "hey little blhsghdg" and i ignored it.

but it turned out it was the lady who trained me tuesday.


she came inside to pick up something to drink, coffee or whatever, and as she walked by me she touched my arm.

she's all maternal on my ass already.

two more days and i can talk to emily again.

i'm getting antsy.

antsy, overfed, and cat scratched.

good god why am i single still?

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