3-18-04 - 3 pm

last afternoon, as i was being trained for work, i was being trained by an older lady.

older as in older than me.

but not "older" i guess.

she's 50, give or take a year.

she looks younger.

and, well, i was attracted to her.

i mean, just momentarially.

her kids are older than me.

she has a granddaughter. who, by the way, has a dog named freddy, for those of us keeping score at home.

but, yes, attraction, and then it left. but she did tell me that she thought i'd do great there.

which means she wants me. so bad for her that my heart is lost in the winds of time.

also, winds of time, segue:

i was driving to my parents house today and i glanced in the rearview mirror and BAM white hair.


undeniable white hair. which i pushed aside as being the way the sun was aiming and reflecting off my startingly gorgeous blonde hair.

but im fairly sure it's white.

it's just a sprinkling right new my vague widow's peak.

perhaps it will grow quickly and add even more into my dignified charm.

then ill be unstoppable.

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