3-16-04 - 8 34 pm

work was fine.

oh. uh, i started a new job today.

it was fine. blah blah, worked 5 hours, made twice as i would have at my other job.

yes. i am an escort. FINALLY. i have found my calling.

wait, is escort the right connotation?

uh, i sell my body. to women. AND BOY DO THEY LIKE IT.

alright. no, i don't.

but damn if i hadn't had the offers.

ok. no, i haven't.

i'm really fucking frustrated with my bank and am about to... do something very antibankish. i dont know what it is yet, but oh. just you wait.

now i really want my refund check. dammit.

or, you know, people who owe me money to pay me.

and i want to talk to emily about everything, i want to tell her about my new job and the money that's already spent and i want to tell her about my frustrations and i want to tell her about the advice the girl gave me.

but i can't.

and i won't be able to for... how many more days... four.


4. as in 4-EVER.

gah! sometimes it helps me to over react!

a little kid made a face at me today as i was pulling out of my apartment complex, so i stopped my car in the middle of the street (there was no oncoming traffic), and just stared at him.

i was going to get out, but i think the staring did the trick because he just stood there with a blank face.

oh haha we both said!

god dammit.

also, two nights ago i had a dream i was having sex but it got interrupted.

i could see her bare pale thigh pressed next to my leg and i was just touching her and some people came by and i wanted to shoot them.

last night i had a dream i was putting on a musical play (i was staring, of course) and old employees of mine came by and i found out one of them had been stabbed by an ex boyfriend. she lost a lot of weight because of the stress she was under.

i also dreamed i was running in the air around the auditorium.

dammit, im really thinking about this company for money idea. list:

a) i like women.

b) i LIKE women.

c) i'd honestly tell them they're beautiful.

d) i know women dont get that as they need.

e) i like pleasing them.

f) i do a fairly decent job at it.

g) i'm nonthreatening.

h) and i have a cute hair cut (according to the ladies who keep touching it).

i) i am clean and practice safe sex. unlike some of my past partners who are now riddled with stds.

"so, what do you do for a living, crayon?"

"well, i do this, and sometimes on the side i write, but my passion is prostitution, i think it's my calling."

im sure i can get insurance with that.

also, i havent been drinking. but im about to start. im thinking if i get enough in me, ill post another entry. we can start a series. it'll be the drunken-crayon-louges.

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