3-9-04 - 11 38 am

i got a hair cut today.

it's shorter than it has been in a really long time.

short as in it doesn't touch my collar.

the hair cutter lady complimented my hair three times. which i took to mean she wants me.

and well, who wouldn't, what with my new hair stylings.

i'm losing weight. weight i don't really need to be losing.

this, combined with other factors, leads me to begin to think that soon i might start eating meat again.

i stopped because of ethical reasons. and i knew it wouldn't be forever, it would just be until i found that it was okay, within myself, to eat meat.

and part of me is still kind of hesitant about it.

it's been almost two years.

i think im ready to step back into the whole meat thing again.

times, they are a changing.

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