3-7-04 - 10 40 am

i went out with friends this past thursday.

we watched tv, we ate, we drank, we played pool, we bowled, we drove around until 230 in the morning.

one of my friends is the one who, not too far back, got in trouble with the cops for robbing the place i used to work at.

a story that is indeed. the three of us are tied together now because of our attempts to help her.

we did help. she's not in jail, she hasn't been killed by the people who robbed the place with her.

and so now we meet up as often as we can.

we talk and laugh and one of us is engaged now.

my friend, though, the robber, she has changed her life and is now the gm of a store. she wants me to come work for her.

and i would, except she works about an hour and a half away from where i currently live.

so now there are plans in the air for her to move in with the other friend and get the store in a city an hour away from, a city i need to visit for friends and family there.

this would work out well, seeing as how i no longer have my own job and i would like to spend more time with her, just to keep us both from being lonely.

also, a woman who has written and published a couple of books took a look at some stuff i had written at the suggestion of a mutual friend and told me "congratulations. you have the beginnings of a book."

and for the first time i think in a really long time this whole idea of becoming a writer became maybe a little bit more real.

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