2-11-04 - 12 02 am

after i write that entry last night, talking about sharing emily with her best friend, i turned into bed, but left my computer on and the volume up in case emily wanted to im me to get me to phone her.

after a bad dream involving a man with a hook for a hand who was going to slit my wrist in front of children, my computer woke me up.

she had finished talking with her best friend.

she was sad.

they approach things in different ways. her friend likes to talk out problems. emily doesn't. emily yells for a minute and then stops and that's usually it.

so i called emily to distract her before she went to bed.

while i was on the phone with her she called me her saving grace.

said that i had been her one saving grace a lot lately.

she said it's easier to talk to me about problems.

but dammit, she said i was her saving grace.

and here i am steeling myself up, trying to become strong and let her go and she calls me her saving grace.

which tumbles the walls down.

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