1-16-04 - 10 51 am

i went to the specialist for the biopsy.

he looked at my throat and told me that i have the weirdest tonsils he has ever seen.

apparently i'm missing a chunk, as if i had it partially taken out.

he told me i'm fine, it's not cancer, he gave me an instrument to take it out with myself if it happens again.

he told me that if it gets worse, if it gets more bothersome, he'll take my tonsils out for me and that should fix it.

emily's sister recently got grounded and so emily has asked me to try to take her sister out sometime, just to get her out of the house.

her sister, for whatever reason, seems to like me, and i really enjoy her, she makes me laugh, so this isn't too much to ask of me.

i told her i'd try to get down there sometime within the next two weeks and emily tells me i'm great.

it kind of makes me uncomfortable because i'm not doing anything special, i'm not doing anything hard, she's not asking a lot from me, i really like her sister.

and then there's this chance that emily might be coming back next year, unless things work out differently than she's expecting them to.

part of me is a little happy about it because, well, she'll be in town.

but the rest of me feels like an ass for that. she belongs in arizona, she would never be happy here.

and as happy as it would make me to have her here, it's not worth it.

not for her to feel the way she feels now, not for her having to deal with her parents, not for her having to go to a school here which she really doesnt want to do.

but she knows that no matter what happens i'll still be around for her.

which i will.

i just wish i could actually physically be there for her.

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