11-30-03 - 3 10 am

on the day of what my bosses were calling "the biggest day of the year for us" i got very angry.

you would think, what with them rambling about how big it was going to be and how much business we were going to do and how we all needed to be prepared that they would have scheduled more people to close for me.

not so.

i had a few people who stayed until midnight.

i had one person i talked into staying until 1230.

the doors closed at 1240.

so guess who got left closing?


now, closing isn't normally bad. closing can be alright.

but we had at least 4100 people through the doors that day.

closing after 4100 people sucks, to put it as eloquently as possible.

and so it took me three hours to close. three hours. when it should've taken, maybe, an hour.

i was fucking pissed off by 3 in the morning. i was wet from the janitors sink. there were three other managers around, one who was just sitting on the phone talking away to his girlfriend.

i'm going to start scheduling my people, i think.

oh, the best part about working that day?

i worked 12 hours.

12 fucking hours.

and one of the other managers, how much did she work? not a good god damn bit, that's how much, because she didnt come in.

but does she still have a job?


also, in other news:

my sister wants to date kim's ex.

my friend, at my old job, is putting in her two weeks notice because she dreads working there now.

emily is still amazing.

and i have this weird stuff going on with the back of my throat i might go to the doctors for, if emily thinks i should. i havent talked to her about it yet because she's been away for thanksgiving and i can't call, but when she comes back i'm going to tell her and see if she thinks it's cool i just give it time and hope it disappears or what.

don't tell anyone this, but when i first saw it i was kind of scared. i can't tell what it is, if it's actual tissue or what.

so yeah.

that's the life of me.

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