9-17-03 - 5 43 pm

i just found out that a guy i worked with, mike, is applying to be a manager at the place i'm working at now.

this bothers me a lot.

a) he's an ass, and i'd rather not work with asses.

b) i don't want any connections to that place anymore. part of me doesn't want kim to apply to work here for a lot of reasons, but the main one is i'll still be connected to that theatre and i don't want to be.

c) he'll abuse any privileges they would give him.

d) he came to work hungover a couple of times. only reason he didn't get in any trouble was because he was so far up the other assistant's ass i think when he caught a cold he was dripping mike instead of snot.

pardon that last image. i'm just angry.

it's to the point that if he gets this management position i will find another job.

i don't want to deal with the old place all over again, and that'll be exactly what it feels like.

jackasses to the right and left of me don't make me happy.

especially unprofessional jackasses who are loud and need to be the center of attention and are homophobic and degrades women and CHEWS TOBACCY (as we like to call it) and are full of shit.


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