6-3-03 - 3 55 pm

im going to see her in an hour. i'm going to pick her up.

we're going to drive around together.

she'll probably cough a lot because she is sick.

i'll probably smile a lot because she is with me.

called her this morning when i first woke up. just to see if she was in.

she was.

i told her i missed her.

because i am a giant sap.

she told me about her trip.

i told her about pond scum eyes.

i didn't mention my contacts or my hair cut.

i'm going to surprise her, you see. indeed.

i was at my apartment today and so was my friend, andrew. andrew's been a vegetarian for about four years now.

last week he had a turkey sandwich.

he said, to the people he was with at the time, "now that i'm eating meat, crayon's going to run to krystal's for a burger."

because krystals is my one acknowledged weakness in this battle we call no-meat-eating.

but but but i cant convince myself that it's okay to eat meat. not yet.

i'm still thinking about things.

now i'm going to get ready.

maybe pick her a rose from my mom's garden.

maybe not.

we shall see.

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