5-7-03 - 1 17 am

worked with emily tonight.

it was, of course, good.

i still cant get a feel on whether or not she likes me. i mean, i know there's enough there that shes taking me to her favorite restaurant, and she's already said that she wants me to visit her in arizona.

she stayed after work, an hour, and we sat on the couch talking. it's so easy to make her laugh at me, but it's so good, too.

at one point we had gotten quiet and i said "i'm really glad i met you."

and she said "ahh crayon." and covered her face up.

i laughed. and laughed. and laughed. said "what is that?"

"it's me covering my face up. and if you don't stop laughing, i'm going to stay like this."



"i dont do because. why?"


"are you embarrassed?"

"a little bit."

"but its true."


and i laughed again.

every now and then her eyes would peek out, after i'd calm down, and i'd laugh again, and she'd hide her face.

i said "are you bashful?"

and she unhid her face and gave me this look of mild disgust and said "that is a horrible word."

i bout fell off the couch laughing.

i had been debating on what to bring her when i picked her up wednesday night. i knew i was going to bring her something, but now i'm positive what i'm going to bring her.

if i can find it.

if not, i can call someone who knows where to find it.

we then went outside. she saw the inside of her car, where kristen and i had played a joke on her, and laughed. i went over to her car and talked with her for another twenty minutes.

wouldve talked longer with her, out there in the warm midnight air, lightning flashing around, a bad storm moving in, if it hadn't have started to rain.

and rain it did.

the first good drop that hit me hit me right above the middle of my right eyebrow and made me scrunch my eye up. she put her hoodie up while this was happening, then looked at me, looking like popeye, and started to laugh.

she told me to go to my car. i was wearing a thin tshirt and it was starting to get soaked and i'd probably be hit by lightning soon.

man, im really looking forward to tomorrow. to taking her to dinner for the first time without anyone else from work.

either way, as a possible precursor to a date or as a date or as two people starting up a really great friendship, either way, it's going to be really good.

good food, but excellent company.


time for food and sleep.

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