4-18-03 - 3 07 am

i have decided to go back to the store where the possible flirting has taken place.

and if shes there, woo world, watch out! sparks!

yet also at the same time, im writing a note to kim.

side note:

last night i slept naked. the roommate is no more. no snoring, no hampered naked time.

tonight i sleep naked, again. until late in the afternoon. the way man was meant to sleep.

we convinced two people, today, that we got married saturday.

this saturday, the 19th, marks the ten year anniversary of my sister's death.

im going all over the place in this entry.

10 years. that was longer than she was alive.

i havent dreamed about her, in a while.

my ear hurts.

also when i wake up in the morning, my foot hurts when i walk. like the bones are all tense and need to pop and im unsure of how to pop them.

it has been incredibly nice out recently. the kind of days where you think deadlines should be extended a day just because everyone is outside, playing frisbee. laughing.

not inside. not on a computer, typing reports, papers. calculating figures. watching tv.

i am really tired. so i am going to go to sleep.

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