3-9-03 - 8 42 pm

my sister's 18th birthday is coming up soon. in... four days.

i tell you, there's nothing to make you feel old like your baby sister being able to vote.

on a different note:

we were robbed friday. i closed the building, was the last one there. sometime between me leaving and six am, 4500 dollars, stolen.

we were questioned, saturday. repeatedly. i was told "if i can't get the money back, then this will go to the police. lie detector tests will be taken."

i said "that's perfectly alright."

they think it was an inside job. i don't know who would actually do it. who would need to feel like they would do it, knowing that i have a million dollars and am willing to give it away if they ask.

okay, so this is completely different:

i noticed, last night, that there are two or three very very very thin light blonde hairs. ON MY FEET.

if you touch my feet, you cant feel. and you have to get really close to actually see them.

but man. hair on my feet.

now i'm unstoppable.

charm, carisma, beginning body fur to help keep me from freezing in the artic. i truly am a superhero.

with the super power of wooing the ladies, yeeeeaaahhhhhhh.

i've been trying to fix this light at work, because it's been bothering an employee. this employee, being special to me because she's... she's who she is... i've gone out of my way to fix it.

i went to home depot, bought some stuff, got myself all dirty, then realized i didnt have the right clamps. so i have to go back and find these clamps, but im not sure ill be able to.

we shall see.

also at work i did the following:

climbed behind some machines to fix a decent leak.

rigged a machine to stay open because kim asked me to.

i've also fixed other leaks, other broken pipes, made the drains easier to clean, fixed doors, shovelled ice out of the parking lot, recarpetted floors, unclogged toilets.

i do it all, yo.

including woo the ladies. but that's not really in my job description. i do that for free.

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