3-01-03 - 1 30 am

i woke up this morning, and my chest hurt. it felt like i had pulled muscles all across my chest.

went back to sleep.

today i was closing blinds.

looking up, above me.

i got this quick tunnel vision, pinholes of light, everything else was dark.

i looked level again, said fuck the blinds, and went to my seat.

all day long, right of my midchest, i had this ball of pain.

this leads me to two conclusions:

a) i am dying a slow death of some disease i gathered from the tap water.


b) i am so incredibly sexy it's actually causing me physical pain.

i found my wallet. i had hid it in a pool table.

yeah, i dont know either.

kim ran out of gas today, on the interstate. i was with her.

after getting her off the interstate and giving her half a tank of gas, she said i was great.

at 520 my time, a friend of mine will be playing the violin. it's a very very important event for her. i'm going to send some massive good vibes her way around then.

as i am sleepy, cold, and sexy, i'm heading to bed.

yall have a good night.

and an even better saturday

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