2-28-03 - 12 06 am

ive lost my wallet.

i had it.

then i didnt have it.

i cancelled my cards.

but, dammit, i dont care about my cards.

i care about the pictures i had, i care about the colored on bills, i care about this and that that i carried with me.

i'm still hoping maybe there's a lost and found in that building that maybe, just maybe, they have it.

dammit, i just really dont want to lose it.

so much is in it.

its just starting to hit me.

thats pretty much all i have to say tonight.

im hoping i can remember if i took my wallet out or if i thought about it anytime after i felt it around 630.

if anyone of yall can send me some nice vibes, or a wallet, my way, that'd be swell.

keen even.

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