1-31-03 - 11 02 am

i get oh so very bitter when i am woken up not once, not even twice, but at least three times by someone snoring.

my roommate, sweet baby jesus (who probably never snored. ever.), snores. horribly. and you know, it probably wouldn't bother me if it was one steady snore.

oh no. oh nononono. it changes.

so i've started trying to wake the roommate up, secretly.

i've also taken to going to bed early in hopes that i can be dead asleep by the time roommate starts snoring.

it doesn't work.

i called my apartment in the hopes that the phone ringing would wake roommate up.


i think it has gotten to the point where i'm just going to go sleep on the couch or in the bathtub or whatever.

once something gets under my skin, it's there. even if the problem lessens, it's still there.

and god help me if the woman i want to spend the rest of my life with snores.

i think that could be a deal breaker for me.

a little snore here and there, that's fine, that can be cute even. but good god moving the curtains kind of snoring... i can't sleep next to that, sanely, day after day after day after day after day after day after day.

i've lasted a little under a month with it, and im incredibly bitter as it is.

my peaceful room, filled with fun naked me time, my haven, it has been taken over.


alas alas alas.

i have been very lucky, up to now. the women i've shared rooms with, so far, havent snored much, if at all, and if they did, it wasn't loudly.


i just had to get that rant out of my system.

that's all.

thank you for your time and attention.

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