1-29-03 - 3 19 pm

i keep thinking about getting a new tattoo.

but i can't really settle on one thing that would mean something to me when i'm 80 and my grandchildren are asking me about it.

no, i take that back. i can see a few things i would be proud of way in the future.

it's just i can't really decide where to put them.

i don't want to put them on my upper arms because, well, that's been done before.

and i don't want anything on my back, because i want to be able to see what i have.

the tattoos would be reminders to me, something to ground me and push me forward, both at once.

on a side note, a... digression: i'm supposed to be showing my translation of something to a guy who hasn't shown up, and he's twenty minutes late. this is why i'm diverting myself.

words are great.

tonight i have plans to go out and buy towels.

oh, i was talking about tattoos, eh?

so i already have one on the top part of my wrist, could be covered by my watch face, if that helps any.

and i'm thinking of maybe getting something on my other wrist.

you know, do the whole stigmata thing.

i guess it all depends on what i really want to get, what i decide on getting.

and if i get proper approval from the proper people.

yesterday i about killed myself at work. i was walking around the machine, stooped over, distracted by kim, and i stood up really fast. ended up banging my head, right above my temple, into this shelf, kim was freaked out. she said the whole shelf jumped, it looked like it hurt massively.

and, of course it did. but i played it off. ACTING! (an homage to jon lovitiz)

then the pain went away, but damn is it tender today.

i also managed to drop 300 dollars in quarters onto my big toe. that's still a tad sore.

yesterday i think i just wanted to break something.

alas, i only broke your heart.

yall have a good day, smile a bit.

especially you in the purple.

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