1-25-03 - 11 30 am

last night, last night, at work, there were three guys. the three guys, before, have given us trouble. so i had my eyes on them, as did a couple of other people.

these three guys are friends with one of my employees. they come up to work, hang out, bother pretty much everyone but their friend.

i've always been the one trying to be nice to them. i've made some of my other employees mad, but i'm a pushover.

last night they had been hang around, walking around, so i finally went up them and told them to buy something or leave.

"we were going to buy something, i promise."

"buy it right now, or leave."

they asked to speak to their friend, i told them no, they had to buy or go.

so they turned around, whispered to another employee, and walked out to our foyer. i pulled the other employee over, asked what they said, he told me.

at this point, kim and two other people were going to go with me to get something to eat. i had walked up to the front of the building, saw the three guys go out the door, and was talking to lydia, telling her to watch them.

kim started tugging at me, telling me they were fighting.

they were jumping three of my employees.

so i went running outside.

i slipped on some ice, never fell, but the slipping gave them enough time to run away.

i got my guys back inside, went and found their friend and started yelling at him.

because when they jumped my employees, they jumped stephanie, too. and i swear to god if they had touched her, i would probably be in jail right now.

cops were called in, the friend refused to give up the names.

i finally calmed down enough to talk. i pulled the friend aside again, told him i understand how he didnt want to be a snitch, but what they did just wasn't cool.

i keep thinking... i wish i hadnt slipped.

i'm not that big. im not that threatening. thursday, when i ordered pizza, i asked the lady to come inside to warm up, because it was in the single digits. she walked right on in. there's something about me that people trust, i think.

i kept saying i wish i hadn't slipped.

and kim said "what would you have done?"


and i told her i would've held them. and that's what my intent was, when i went outside. to grab their asses and keep them until the cops came.

and a guy said something about me being a ninja, which i am, but that's another story for another day.

and kim said "nah, crayon can hold people."

i'm just waiting to see if they're stupid enough to come back to work.

god help them if they do.

especially if i'm not there.

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