1-22-03 - 2 02 am

i am really hungry, after eating four fake chicken nuggets.

i might have to eat four more.

on my way here tonight, at 1 26 in the morning, according to my slightly fast car clock, i saw a shooting star.

at first i thought i was just seeing something, it sputtered, went across the sky, faded out.

i'm taking it as a good sign.

had this conversation today:

"maybe i snuggle with a lot of people." that's me.

"you don't." that's her.

"why do you say that?"

"because you would get all confused if you did."

"heh. you're right."

ohhh i'm tired.

i go through these ups and downs, as yall can tell. and right now i'm in an up.

i'm hoping it lasts long enough.

we shall see.

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