1-20-03 - 2 07 pm

had this dream last night.

and in it, i was with someone.

i can remember kissing her stomach.

i think i broke a lamp last night, but im not too sure. havent really spent the time looking at it to figure out if i could use my vast handy-skills to fix it or not.

actually my cat broke it, but i'm going to be the big one and take the blame for it.

i havent decided yet whether or not im going to order pizza.

it's all up in the air.

saturday a few of us at work spent a couple of hours outside shoveling the parking lot. after i thawed a bit, i realized i had cut my palm a bit. yesterday i realized that, also, i had cracked a couple of knuckles.

so now it looks like i got into a fight.

which makes me look tough and such.

which means all the girls will be flocking to me here shortly.

there's this new girl at work and we've got a weird friendship going on. i can't figure her out but she can read me well enough to know when to push me to make sure i'm really all right, or if im just saying i am.

im house sitting for the parents right now, and they told me twice, not once mind you, but TWICE, to make sure to feed the pets.

oh it's great when people have faith in you eh.

all right you good cow folk, i need to be heading on out to take care of some business about a man and a horse and maybe some rope to lead the horse to the water but i don't know if he'll drink it or not, i dont know. GET OFF MY BACK!

also my stomach's eating me right now.

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