2003-01-16 - 8:10 p.m.

sweet dreams and fine machines in pieces on the ground.

during the day, today, i kept getting calles, people telling me not to go outside, not to drive. telling me how long it's taken them to get home.

it took my mom and my sister over three hours to do a route that usually only takes them 30 minutes.

kim took 5 hours for thirty minutes.

kristen, friend of mine, it took her about five hours to get home on the interstate. at one point she was contemplating leaving her car to make a snowman.

as you can probably deduce, it's snowed.

it's snowed more than i've seen it snow in years.

they're talking about the ice storm of 94, but that was an ice storm.

this is snow. multiple inches of it. at least 7.

right now, i'm stuck an hour away from my family, from kim, from my job.

at one point i called my parents, tempted to start my journey home today, instead of tomorrow.

they flat out told me no. my sister told me it'd probably take me 15 hours.

they said interstates were down, it wasn't worth it, i might just have to deal with cabin fever.

however, i don't "deal" with cabin fever.

i suffer very badly from it.

i'm imagining that tomorrow, about 11, i'm going to try getting home.

i'd rather risk twenty hours in my car, on the interstate, than twenty hours, in my apartment.

which doesnt make sense.

BUT IT DOES. see, because, in my car, i can at least pretend im getting closer to my goals.

my apartment doesnt fly, doesn't have a transporter.

so that would mean i'm just stuck.

i wish i could fly.

then i could just bundle up in my new hoodie, avoid all the people who are insane when they get behind the wheel.

only thing i'd have to worry about would be frost on my arms.

which is always better than cabin fever.

called kim, at one point today, to make sure she was okay. we talked, and her voice, it was great. it sounded like it used to sound when we talked. had love in it, and her voice got these different tones it gets sometimes, when i do something that touches her.

see, i got her this gift, and i let her know i got something for her.

it's a hamster that dances.

see, that's what she doesn't know.

it dances to im too sexy.

because, honestly, that's what i am. too sexy.

so sexy it huuurttttss.

also, i got it because years from now, she can look at it and go "crayon really was so damn sexy."

and her children will ask her, and i will become this legend.

on cold snowy nights they will huddle around her, near the fire, and they will go "please, mommy, tell us of crayon again. tell us about the time crayon made you twitterpated!" and she'll say "again?" "yes mommy!"

and she'll tell the story of this kid, not fully grown yet, who had a little pouch for a belly.

but, hopefully, i'll be there, too.


okay, now i must go attend to business, and check the roads and such.

yall drive safe kids.

cause if yall drive safe, i dont have to fly.

and really, that's all i ask.

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