10-1502 - 1 45 pm

last night i was at work. the twins, as they're called, were supposed to be at work at 6.

6 15 rolls around.

i start getting worried, because it's not like them to not call. i figured, hey, maybe tiffany thought she didnt have to work, and stephanie... i dont know.

so i called around.

they were in a really bad wreck.

i've heard anywhere from four to six car pile up.

i went and saw stephanie last night.

i was told she had been asking over and over about me, making sure i was okay with work.

that was one of the first things i saw her.

the thing you've got to realize about stephanie is that she's so small. she's tiny. when she was born, as her dad told me last night in the er waiting room, she only weighed 2 pounds.

i love stephanie. i'm very protective her. kind of like she's my sister.

i walked in that room, and my heart collapsed.

she has a broken nose, broken rib, broken foot, possible broken knee.

plus a few other things.

she was in and out, blood around her teeth, pain medicine kicking in.

i stood by her bed, talking to her.

she needed her oxygen mask, so i held it to her face. her mom said "see, she won't complain when crayon does it."

i gave her a gift from kim.

she smiled.

one of the best sights i've seen.

bloody teeth and all.

she said "yeah, i'm going to throw up now."

so i got her pan and held it while she spit up blood.

her sister, tiffany, is okay. and i want to see her. tiffany. soon. i need to, i think. to hug her and see her smile.

their family, all of them, are some of the most amazing people.

if you can send some good thoughts out her way, it'd be much appreciated.

by many.

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