7-5-02 - 4 26 pm

i've been sick now for about two, three weeks.

i've made everyone else around me sick.

they've all recovered.

wednesday night i stayed at work till 430 thursday morning. thursday i was back at work around 10 30.

people were telling me to go home, get some sleep. go to the doctor. i was pale faced with crazy eyes.

kim came to work, with a friend of hers. they told her to take me home. they said "crayon takes care of everyone. when i'm sick crayon makes me drink orange juice and eat chicken noodle soup and sends me home."

but i stayed at work.

we watched a movie, and then i went home.

i slept for about 15 hours.

i needed sleep, that's what i told everyone.

at one point i woke up, started thinking about kim.

she made me a peanut butter and apple jelly sandwich. it was good.

this feeling inside. ah.

so then i went back to sleep, woke up around 2 or 3, took a shower, here i sit.

i feel great. amazing.

but i'm still sick. im still dizzy, light headed, coughing like my body's rejecting my lungs. and it scares me that this, right now, is better than what it was.

i let myself go.

now im going to get dressed and go to work soon.

yall smile for me

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