6-27-02 - 10 45 pm

there are times, when i finish a good, well written book, where i want to turn into a tiger.

or some big giant jungle cat.

and i want to stalk. sway. i want to become dark and dangerous and i want to gather everything i can up.

and then tear through it all.

read all the works, all the words, anything i can get my hands on, of that author.

changing subjects:

my raise came through. not much, but enough to not make me quit.

changing subjects:

i dont know really how to feel about tonight.

changing subjects:

i'm wet and more or less kind of uncomfortable right here.

so what i'm about to do is as follows:

gather my quilt. go back upstairs. gather my food. turn the tv on. prepare myself on the couch. watch tv and eat. fall asleep.

hopefully wake up.

oh, it looks like all up and down my face someone's taken a two by four or other piece of wood. i dont know why, i dont remember anything, i dont hurt.

it just looks insanely bruised.

so im going to go now.

yall have a happy night for me.

and sing the particle man song.

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