3-29-02 - 12 01 am

the third of a string of doctors appointments occurred today.

went in for a check up.

went in for a biopsy.

went in for today.

i've got at least two more doctors appointments coming my way.

they've got to make sure they've got all of it, that there wasn't damage.

that it doesn't come back.

in other news, i saw kat yesterday.

ah but i do worry about her.

the time apart had been good, for both of us. she's grown up a lot, a lot.

she's got another tattoo now.

andy and i and a bunch of other people are going to treat her to dinner, monday, and then play monopoly with her, seeing as how she loves monopoly.

i, personally, dont trust anything with three o's in it.

bring me an oligarchy any day.

i was really hot, today. and not hot in the oh crayon i want to have your baby way (although i'm sure i was hot like that, too. i know you want me. you can not resist the crayon.), but hot in the DEAR GOD SOMEONE PUT A FIRE UNDER MY SKIN. way.

also, i find it really hard to picture, mentally, that kim ever had a crush on me, like i had on her.

i cant see her liking me.

but she did. and does. and i dont know why.

but she does.

and im really lucky.

also, i smell like juices.

so im going to go back to bed, and hope when i wake up, the pain's not around.

i love all of yall.

all of yall.

but i'm on medication, so i probably actually dont like you.

yeah, you. the one on the left.

you smell like ranch dressing.

good night.

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