3-8-02 - 10 57 am

i can still picture her there.

laying back. moonlight coming in. her face, her shoulders, her arms.

when i first met her, i never dreamed of this happening.

of falling in love with her. of her loving me.

i never thought i'd be able to kiss her where her neck becomes her shoulder and slip a dress strap down her arm.

it's a rare gift you're given, when someone loves you.

and not just humans. animals, too.

last night i shut my door. when i opened it, my cat had fallen asleep in front of it. he woke up, came into my room, and fell asleep on my stomach.

right now he's curled up, asleep.

now hes in my lap.

but back to kim.

she's been really sick, now, for a while. her mom won't take her to the doctors, because, as has been proven to me repeatedly, her mom is part insane, part ass.

i want kim to go, before it gets to the point she cant breathe at all.

yesterday she felt good enough to go to kmart. i told her, wednesday, that if she goes, alone, she should call me, i could meet up with her and see her.

because, you see, we don't get a lot of time together. so when we can get it, we try to get it.

except, you know, when she forgets about me.

then i just sit around waiting for a phone call.

so yeah.

now im going to go buy a book or something to eat or something.

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