1-16-02 - 4 14 pm

im back to working three jobs. and one of them, god bless their hearts, has gone crazy.

the other job, the main job, the big job, the one where i'm a manager, the place that i love.

yeah, that job.

it has gotten me around a lot of money. a lot of money. all in one sitting.

and it's really weird to hold all that money, to be in charge of it, to have to protect it.

but right now i have a check in my pocket for a nice, even, 1,000.


it is odd and good and i just don't like it, frankly.

i want to deposit it. to have someone else in charge of it. to have someone sitting on my shoulder reminding me I CAN NOT SPEND IT.

i found out i had this check last night. i called my parents. they need it. i picked it up.

friday i will sign it over to them. and they will use it.

but for now, i have to make sure i don't lose it.


i might get to take kim to see beauty and the beast saturday night. i really want to do this.


the girl has moved into an apartment in boston. the odds of me seeing her, now, are almost none, unless i go to visit her.

but the only way i could go visit her is if i let her know im coming.

which would mean communicating.

which we don't do anymore, you know?


i have to use the restroom.

yall smile some, and hope, for me, that this saturday comes through.


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