9-20-01 - 8 23 am

here i sit, bare bellyed, thump thump thumping my hand, wishing i walked more, excerised more, was firmer.

here i sit, replaying the words she said last night in my head.

the speaker talked about love. between boys and girls, parents and children, god and us.

she thought about me for a while.

i walked in the rain yesterday. cold pellets coming down and soaking through my thick tshirt, plastering my hair back, spilling over the lip of my glasses.

i wanted her to be there then.

i talked to her last night.

i told her i missed making her laugh.

she told me she missed me "getting all giggly and smiling so big."

i laughed. told her that she's the only person i can remember saying i get giggly.

she said "you do, and sometimes for no good reason at all."

i just need to make it through this day.

i can do that much.

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