9-10-01 - 8 28 am

i came as close to quitting as i've ever been saturday night.

i thought i would be getting off early. as would kim. i thought we would get some time together. she thought the same.

when eric walked in, i asked him what the odds were, for us getting off early. he told me none, because i had to count. and make a deposit.

which meant i had to stay until close.

and so did kim.

i got really frustrated, really short tempered. i was working my department, she was working hers, and we couldnt talk. there was this stretch where we couldnt talk, couldnt be together.

and i had to stay until the very end.

and so she stayed until the very end.

and saturday was just bad.

but sunday.

sunday made up for it.

we both got off three hours early.

so we spent those three hours together.

later i told her i needed that. those three hours with just her. not worried about customers or her mom. we ate dinner together, drove around. walked a creek, saw two polka dot horses, sat in a gazebo, walked through a tunnel under the road.

it was good.

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