8-31-01 - 4 52 pm

i spent last night and today incredibly happy.

because, after 330 yesterday, i only had two things standing between coming here for the weekend.

and those two things flew by.

it will be a little over an hour before i can see kim. or before i will see kim.

i want to see her right now.

but things are better, right now, because we're at least in the same city.

and if she called me right now it would take 20 minutes to get to her.

im smitten.

i want to fly in before she goes to work, fly in and kidnap her for a minute.

take her away and just stand there with her.

just for a moment.

and then she can go to work. and ill wait for work to be over, because i dont work tonight, because eric wanted to give me a night off.

then work will be over.

and i can kidnap her.

for more than a minute. more than a moment.

and the unbelievable thing about it is that she wants to be with me.

how lucky can i get?

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